Andreas Schneider Blog


ssh-agent client support for libssh

As you might know I develop csync which is a file synchronizer. To support sftp I’m using libssh. libssh is designed to be used by programmers needing a working SSH implementation by the mean of a library. I think it is nearly feature complete. I’ve cleaned up the sftp interface last year. The only thing missing was ssh-agent support. This is implemented now in the...


Geocaching, Garmin and Linux

I’m a Geocacher and I’ve bought a new toy, the Garmin Vista HCx. This device has a special function for Geocaching. You have to upload these files directly to the device. It isn’t possible to store them on the microSD. On the you have an option to send the coordinates directly to the GPS. It downloads a web browser plugin from Garmin. To send...


phonon and amarok wakeups

I’ve used my notebook the first time with openSUSE 11.1 without a power cable attached and wondered why my battery was empty after a short time. So I’ve did some research and found a knotify4 bug, this leads to a phonon and xine bug. I have the latest version of xine installed and the wakeup bug in xine is already fixed sine 1.1.9. So there...


csync and pam_csync 0.42.0 beta1

I’ve released a new version of csync and pam_csync. csync is a bidirectional file synchronizer for Linux and allows to keep two copies of files and directories in sync. It uses uses widly adopted protocols like smb or sftp so that there is no need for a server component of csync. It is a user-level program which means there is no need to be a...


Hackweek3: Logitech hacking

I planning to rewrite lomoco since a long time now. The problem is that Logitech has introduced a new protocol to talk to the devices. For the main features of these new mice we have already proof of concept code but some features aren’t suppport. I still don’t know how they identify a cordless mouse connected to a receiver. The MX Revolution and the G7...


Pimp my KDE

As KDE 4.1 RC1 has been released I’ve installed it on my notebook and pimped it I’ve build the Polyester theme in the openSUSE Build Service for KDE4 and Qt4. krusader for KDE4 is available too, here.


Roaming Home Directories for Linux

An interesting feature of Active Directory is Roaming Profiles. You can login on different workstations and you have all you data with you. If you use a Notebook you have the same and the ability to work offline. As soon as you’re connected to you network again the data will be automatically synchronized again and you have a backup of your data. Now the time...


csync 0.42.0 alpha1

I’ve released the first alpha version of csync. csync is a client only bidirectional file synchronizer. You can use csync for different things. The intention is to provide Roaming Home Directories for Linux but you can use it to synchronize your music collection or create a backup of a directory. This is *not* intended for production environments and is designed for testing purposes only. This...


csync 0.42.0 prealpha test version

I’ve released the first test version of csync. csync is a client only bidirectional file synchronizer. The intention is to get some testing and feedback about update detection and journal creation. If you want to help to test click here. Packages for openSUSE are available in the Build Service, here.


The history game

anschneider@maximegalon:~> history | awk ‘{a[$2]++ } END{for(i in a){print a[i] ” ” i}}’|sort -rn|head 139 make 139 cd 105 vi 104 ll 68 man 50 git 46 fg 31 mc 26 grep 23 tests/check_csync_exclude