Tagged: gcc


gdb backtrace to file

I wanted a simple command to get a backtrace in a file from gdb. It took me years to finally discover and craft this command! alias bt=’echo 0 | gdb -batch-silent -ex “run” -ex “set logging overwrite on” -ex “set logging file gdb.bt” -ex “set logging on” -ex “set pagination off” -ex “handle SIG33 pass nostop noprint” -ex “echo backtrace:\n” -ex “backtrace full” -ex “echo...


undefined reference to “function name”

Since hermes is flooding my mailbox I haven’t looked if all my packages are compiling on Factory. So I had a look for interesting emails today. ctrlproxy (irc proxy/bouncer) didn’t build with undefined reference to ““. I wondered if the libarary packages have been renamed, but everything looked fine. I’ve talked to darix and he told me about the –as-needed flag of the linker which...