Tagged: file synchronization


Synchronize two folders on a Mac and other Unix Systems with csync

I’ll show you how to to synchronise files of two different directories in a terminal using a mighty automator. The tool is called csync and is a client side file synchronizer. Unless like rsync it syncs in two directions so that the contents are equal as soon as it finished. Here is the simple example of syncing two folders from terminal: csync /path/to/folder1 /path/to/folder2 If...


csync at FOSDEM

I’m currently updating csync to work with libssh 0.4 and I will give a lightning talk about csync at FOSDEM next weekend. csync is a file synchronizer to keep two folders in sync. This can be local or remote. The main purpose of csync is to provide Roaming Home Directories. I will work with Aris on libssh stuff and try to get some small features...


csync with sftp support

I’ve released a new version of csync with sftp support. csync is a bidirectional file synchronizer for Linux and allows to keep two copies of files and directories in sync. It uses widely adopted protocols like smb or sftp so that there is no need for a server component of csync. It is a user-level program which means there is no need to be a...


This and that

You can find the slides of my csync talk at SambaXP 2009 here. libssh 0.3 is on the way. I’m improving the last parts of it. A new release should be available next week. As soon as libssh 0.3 is released I will release a new version of csync with sftp support too!


csync and pam_csync 0.42.0 beta1

I’ve released a new version of csync and pam_csync. csync is a bidirectional file synchronizer for Linux and allows to keep two copies of files and directories in sync. It uses uses widly adopted protocols like smb or sftp so that there is no need for a server component of csync. It is a user-level program which means there is no need to be a...


Roaming Home Directories for Linux

An interesting feature of Active Directory is Roaming Profiles. You can login on different workstations and you have all you data with you. If you use a Notebook you have the same and the ability to work offline. As soon as you’re connected to you network again the data will be automatically synchronized again and you have a backup of your data. Now the time...


csync 0.42.0 alpha1

I’ve released the first alpha version of csync. csync is a client only bidirectional file synchronizer. You can use csync for different things. The intention is to provide Roaming Home Directories for Linux but you can use it to synchronize your music collection or create a backup of a directory. This is *not* intended for production environments and is designed for testing purposes only. This...