Tagged: testing


A new cmocka release version 1.1.0

It took more than a year but finally Jakub and I released a new version of cmocka today. If you don’t know it yet, cmocka is a unit testing framework for C with support for mock objects! We set the version number to 1.1.0 because we have some new features: Support to catch multiple exceptions Support to verify call ordering (for mocking) Support to pass...


Testing PAM modules and PAM-aware applications in the Matrix

Jakub Hrozek and I are proud to announce the first release of pam_wrapper. This tool allows you to either simplify testing PAM modules or your application using PAM to authenticate users. PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules) is a layer of abstraction on top of Unix authentication. For testing PAM-aware applications we have written a simple PAM module called pam_matrix. If you plan to test a PAM...


resolv_wrapper 1.0.0 – the new cwrap tool

I’ve released a new preloadable wrapper named resolv_wrapper which can be used for nameserver redirection or DNS response faking. It can be used in testing environment to route DNS queries to a real nameserver separate from resolv.conf or fake one with simple config file. We tested it on Linux, FreeBSD and Solaris. It should work on other UNIX flavors too. You can download resolv_wrapper here.


cwrap 1.0.0 – testing your full software stack …

on one single machine! FOSDEM/Brussels, February 2nd, I gave a talk about cwrap. I announced and released version 1.0.0 of cwrap, a set of tools to create a fully isolated network environment to test client/server components on a single host. It provides synthetic account information, hostname resolution and privilege separation support. The heart of cwrap consists of three libraries you can preload to any executable....