Andreas Schneider Blog


undefined reference to “function name”

Since hermes is flooding my mailbox I haven’t looked if all my packages are compiling on Factory. So I had a look for interesting emails today. ctrlproxy (irc proxy/bouncer) didn’t build with undefined reference to ““. I wondered if the libarary packages have been renamed, but everything looked fine. I’ve talked to darix and he told me about the –as-needed flag of the linker which...


kio_sftp rewrite upstream

I’ve commited my kio_sftp rewrite to KDE trunk today. The patch for KDE 4.3 if you want to test it is available here. You need libssh 0.3.2 to get it working but I suggest to use the libssh v0-3 git branch which has fixes found by kio_sftp testers. Thanks to all of them!


Hack Week: kio_sftp in action!

The openSUSE Hackweek is over and I have a working kio_sftp implementation using libssh. There is still work which needs to be done. I have to cleanup the code and test all the features (resume of files, recursive deletion). Today I’ve copied successfully the first files to my webserver! I’ve uploaded the two files to my webspace, here. Remeber that it’s not finished yet! You...


kio_sftp authentication with libssh works

I’ve got the fingerprint verification and authentication with public key and keyboard interactive working. There is still a dialog missing for special interactive questions, but the normal user stuff works just fine.


kio_sftp using libssh

I wanted to reimplement kio_sftp with libssh since some month. This week is another openSUSE Hack Week. I’m in the SUSE office in Nürnberg with some KDE developers. Dirk Müller helps me with the implementation. I’m normally not a C++ developer so it is a good oppurtunity to get help and things done. More on Wednesday. The weather will be good tommorow so I plan...


csync with sftp support

I’ve released a new version of csync with sftp support. csync is a bidirectional file synchronizer for Linux and allows to keep two copies of files and directories in sync. It uses widely adopted protocols like smb or sftp so that there is no need for a server component of csync. It is a user-level program which means there is no need to be a...


libssh 0.3.0

After several month of hard work, rewriting nearly all libssh functions, I’ve released version 0.3.0 today. Read more about the release here. A new version of csync with full sftp support will be released soon.



Yesterday was my last day officially working for Novell. Today is the “Labor Day” in Germany and I’m unemployed now.


Automatic testing of PAM modules

Last week at the SambaXP conference I had a discussion with Günther Deschner about the testing of PAM modules. What we want to do is automatic testing. To achieve this in the Samba build farm you need a separate “pam.d” config directory for testing. You should be able to change the config and mess it up without getting locked out. I’ve introduced a new function...


This and that

You can find the slides of my csync talk at SambaXP 2009 here. libssh 0.3 is on the way. I’m improving the last parts of it. A new release should be available next week. As soon as libssh 0.3 is released I will release a new version of csync with sftp support too!