Category: Linux


gdb backtrace to file

I wanted a simple command to get a backtrace in a file from gdb. It took me years to finally discover and craft this command! alias bt=’echo 0 | gdb -batch-silent -ex “run” -ex “set logging overwrite on” -ex “set logging file” -ex “set logging on” -ex “set pagination off” -ex “handle SIG33 pass nostop noprint” -ex “echo backtrace:\n” -ex “backtrace full” -ex “echo...


The pain of poll(2)?

If you’re working on a multi-platform project which does network communication you will end up thinking about replacing select(2) with poll(2) sooner or later. The problem with select are well known. poll(2) removes the limitations of select(2) and improves speed and features. The problem is that poll(2) isn’t available on all platforms. This means you need a poll(2)-emulation or create wrappers around other similar poll()...


Documenting the Source

As you maybe know I have a new job since last December and I’m working on Samba4 now. Samba4 is a monster so I’ve asked for some simple tasks to get started. The task was to migrate some code to a new Samba library called tsocket. The problem was I didn’t know what to do and how. Some functions of the API were documented but...


csync at FOSDEM

I’m currently updating csync to work with libssh 0.4 and I will give a lightning talk about csync at FOSDEM next weekend. csync is a file synchronizer to keep two folders in sync. This can be local or remote. The main purpose of csync is to provide Roaming Home Directories. I will work with Aris on libssh stuff and try to get some small features...


mlmmj webarchiver

I run mlmmj (mailinglist management made joyful) for my mailing lists. The problem was, that I didn’t have any mailinglist webarchives for a long time. I had to change this so I started on Friday to changes this. It took me the whole day to write the scripts. mlmmj-webarchiver has been written by Sven Michels using hypermail. As hypermail is more or less a dead...


undefined reference to “function name”

Since hermes is flooding my mailbox I haven’t looked if all my packages are compiling on Factory. So I had a look for interesting emails today. ctrlproxy (irc proxy/bouncer) didn’t build with undefined reference to ““. I wondered if the libarary packages have been renamed, but everything looked fine. I’ve talked to darix and he told me about the –as-needed flag of the linker which...


kio_sftp authentication with libssh works

I’ve got the fingerprint verification and authentication with public key and keyboard interactive working. There is still a dialog missing for special interactive questions, but the normal user stuff works just fine.


csync with sftp support

I’ve released a new version of csync with sftp support. csync is a bidirectional file synchronizer for Linux and allows to keep two copies of files and directories in sync. It uses widely adopted protocols like smb or sftp so that there is no need for a server component of csync. It is a user-level program which means there is no need to be a...


libssh 0.3.0

After several month of hard work, rewriting nearly all libssh functions, I’ve released version 0.3.0 today. Read more about the release here. A new version of csync with full sftp support will be released soon.


Automatic testing of PAM modules

Last week at the SambaXP conference I had a discussion with Günther Deschner about the testing of PAM modules. What we want to do is automatic testing. To achieve this in the Samba build farm you need a separate “pam.d” config directory for testing. You should be able to change the config and mess it up without getting locked out. I’ve introduced a new function...