Category: KDE


Documenting the Source

As you maybe know I have a new job since last December and I’m working on Samba4 now. Samba4 is a monster so I’ve asked for some simple tasks to get started. The task was to migrate some code to a new Samba library called tsocket. The problem was I didn’t know what to do and how. Some functions of the API were documented but...


csync at FOSDEM

I’m currently updating csync to work with libssh 0.4 and I will give a lightning talk about csync at FOSDEM next weekend. csync is a file synchronizer to keep two folders in sync. This can be local or remote. The main purpose of csync is to provide Roaming Home Directories. I will work with Aris on libssh stuff and try to get some small features...


kio_sftp updates

openSUSE has backported the new kio_sftp implementation based on libssh to their KDE 4.3 packages. This increased the users and helped to find some bugs in kio_sftp and KDE. The current implementation is working fairly well. As soon as libssh 0.4 will be released (hopefully soon) I will add more features. Users asked for ~/.ssh/config support and I’ve added openssh’s statvfs extension to libssh. This...


kio_sftp rewrite upstream

I’ve commited my kio_sftp rewrite to KDE trunk today. The patch for KDE 4.3 if you want to test it is available here. You need libssh 0.3.2 to get it working but I suggest to use the libssh v0-3 git branch which has fixes found by kio_sftp testers. Thanks to all of them!


Hack Week: kio_sftp in action!

The openSUSE Hackweek is over and I have a working kio_sftp implementation using libssh. There is still work which needs to be done. I have to cleanup the code and test all the features (resume of files, recursive deletion). Today I’ve copied successfully the first files to my webserver! I’ve uploaded the two files to my webspace, here. Remeber that it’s not finished yet! You...