Profiling a camera with darktable-chart
I’ve written an article about “Profiling a camera with darktable-chart” which has been published at The article is about how to get the same color profile of you camera for your raw developing process. If you wonder what darktable is, it is a raw developer software for photographers.
Hi, I have compiled darktable according to your article to generate a noiseprofile. For the tool I have a different path as described. My path is:
Install the project…
— Install configuration: “RELWITHDEBINFO”
— Installing: /opt/darktable/libexec/darktable/tools/darktable-noiseprofile
— Installing: /opt/darktable/libexec/darktable/tools/darktable-gen-noiseprofile
— Installing: /opt/darktable/libexec/darktable/tools/
— Installing: /opt/darktable/libexec/darktable/tools/profiling-shot.xmp
I’m using Manjaro Linux (Arch Linux based). Maybe this information will help you to keep your article up to date.