neovim, dap and gdb 14.1
At the beginning of December 2023 gdb version 14.1 was released. The feature I’ve waited for is support for the the Debug Adapter Protocol. Today I finally looked into this and got gdb working with nvim-dap.

If you already have setup nvim-dap, it is pretty easy to add support for C/C++ with gdb. First you need to enable DAP for the filetype. I load DAP with lazy only for filetypes I use it for.
Then I created the file plugins/dap/c.lua with
the following content:
local ok, dap = pcall(require, 'dap')
if not ok then
-- See
dap.adapters.gdb = {
id = 'gdb',
type = 'executable',
command = 'gdb',
args = { '--quiet', '--interpreter=dap' },
dap.configurations.c = {
name = 'Run executable (GDB)',
type = 'gdb',
request = 'launch',
-- This requires special handling of 'run_last', see
program = function()
local path = vim.fn.input({
prompt = 'Path to executable: ',
default = vim.fn.getcwd() .. '/',
completion = 'file',
return (path and path ~= '') and path or dap.ABORT
name = 'Run executable with arguments (GDB)',
type = 'gdb',
request = 'launch',
-- This requires special handling of 'run_last', see
program = function()
local path = vim.fn.input({
prompt = 'Path to executable: ',
default = vim.fn.getcwd() .. '/',
completion = 'file',
return (path and path ~= '') and path or dap.ABORT
args = function()
local args_str = vim.fn.input({
prompt = 'Arguments: ',
return vim.split(args_str, ' +')
name = 'Attach to process (GDB)',
type = 'gdb',
request = 'attach',
processId = require('dap.utils').pick_process,
And loaded it with the following snippet:
if vim.fn.executable('gdb') == 1 then
My neovim dotfiles are here.
Thank you for the guide! Im trying to get ansi color codes to work in the repl terminal, if you have figured that out it please let me know. thanks!