Pimp my KDE
As KDE 4.1 RC1 has been released I’ve installed it on my notebook and pimped it
I’ve build the Polyester theme in the openSUSE Build Service for KDE4 and Qt4. krusader for KDE4 is available too, here.
a cosmological pedestrian
by Andreas Schneider · Thursday, July 17, 2008
As KDE 4.1 RC1 has been released I’ve installed it on my notebook and pimped it
I’ve build the Polyester theme in the openSUSE Build Service for KDE4 and Qt4. krusader for KDE4 is available too, here.
Tags: KDE
Love the Polyesther theme. 🙂
You cannot choose from many themes, only that with black panel-background look good, because of the non-transparent icon-backgrounds in system-control