CMake and WengoPhone

The last weeks I’ve started to work into CMake. CMake, the cross-platform, open-source make system. CMake is used to control the software compilation process using simple platform and compiler independent configuration files. If you’re now asking which project for example is using CMake as make system, KDE4 and now WengoPhone.

WengoPhone is a GPL-licensed multi-platform softphone using Qt4. The next generation version of WengoPhone is under heavy development. They used scons for the make systems with some own classes. The problem of scons is, that it slows down the more files you have to handle. This was the reason at KDE4 why bksys was dropped too.

If you’re a CMake developer or interested in CMake you can join #cmake @ If you’re looking for CMake Modules visit the CMake Modules Project.

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