
For everyone who didn’t hit the news War§ow 0.11 out. Warsow is a fast paced online first person shooter based on the QFusion Engine (a modification of Quake 2 GPL engine). It has a lot of improvements. The game offers features like cell shading, game physics changes and special moves. It features the following gametypes: deathmatch, team deathmatch, duell, single player (against bots), CTF and midair.

In 0.11 we fixed the bug with the listen server. Long time I tought it is only x86_64 specific, but some people with x86 had the segfault too. Then Medar read something on the Quake 4 Linux site, “Crashes on startup when loading the game module”. Some library has overwritten the globally defined timeout script in g_main.c. I’ve changed the name of the variable to gtimeout and the bug was fixed.

If you want to try out Warsow, you can get my installer from LIFLG.

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